Singapore Rooftop Farms

This article caught my interest last week, a concept that has enormous potential in Singapore and something that deserves a lot more attention from a global perspective. There is already a groundswell of city greening going on around the world however in high density cities like Singapore, moreover with a finite amount of land, the dynamics of turning every building rooftop in to a garden, whether it is for agriculture or purely aesthetics is profound.

I have always thought these rooftops would be highly suitable for water collection, given the amount of rainfall here and supposed lack of water? There is still a strong reliance on Malaysia for water, and yet surely water tank collection would be a potential way for each building to become more self-sufficient; and the concept of rooftop agriculture enhancing this enormously.

This has to be the future… read more


By Curtis Marsh | Wanderings | Related to: , , , , , |

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