Fishing for Meat – Take 2 (Cornwall, July 14th)

Yesterday’s fishing expedition took a turn for the better and within a half hour two of us had pulled in some 21 Mackerel, yours truly bringing in the bulk of this and every time I put out the line I literally had to pull it back in. The in-coming tide was probably the reason for us encountering a school of fish and we probably won’t need any more Mackerel now with enough for breakfast for the next few days.

We headed back out that evening to place a net in one the bays, a ground net that would hopefully provide us with Dover Sole and maybe Brille. It was a beautiful evening, the sun shinning and still warm up to 9pm as we shugged back to St Antony bay.

Dinner that night consisted of mussels we had picked that morning in the Helford estaury cooking them in white wine and garlic. Main course was a very large Brille that we wrapped in tinfoil with butter and baked in the oven, all very successful.

The next morning we hit the sea at 7am to haul in our fish net and check the lobster pots, without much luck at all. The net had yielded a Pollock, a fairly ugly fish and poor eating, and 2 crabs of throw back size that took us a good hour to un tangle from the net.

As we began to check our lobster pots it began to rain and with Chris starting to look like Mobby Dick manning the tiller on our pilot boat as we bobbed up and down and the rain and wind whipping his face. Unfortunately the pots were completely empty, which was a bit of buggar considering our hard efforts.

So, here we are again fishing at J. Rettalack Butcher’s and a whole shoulder of local pork looks like answer for dinner, particularly with the weather turning rather cool and wet. I guess we can’t complain, we’ve had great weather up until now.

On a separate note, happy Bastille Day to the French. Out of respect our wandering palate here has dug deep into the cellar and come up a couple of good red burgundies… Viv la France!


By Curtis Marsh | Wanderings | Related to: , , |

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